beCOME A funding partner
As a multi-funder platform, we seek to connect with innovative and forward-looking philanthropists. Join our growing pool of donors and funders to invest in high-ambition, high-gain ideas that can drive large-scale system changes, not incremental work centered on near-term success, to swiftly and justly close the gap between the world today and a sustainable future. Direct your inquiries to Jessica Galeria, Director of Philanthropy Partnerships, at jessica@climatebreakthrough.org
support our selection
Our selection process ensures that we look for candidates of varying experiences and backgrounds anywhere in the world, pursuing a broad array of ideas from any sector, area, or discipline to address the climate crisis to the benefit of people across classes and borders. Join our global network of partners who help us scout, refer, and vet exceptional candidates, as well as examine transformative climate action ideas and strategies. Direct your inquiries to Michaela Koke, Senior Manager of Award Selection, at michaela@climatebreakthrough.org
join our learning community
We are working to reshape the evidence, knowledge, and learning ecosystem in climate philanthropy as founding members of the Climate Strategy, Monitoring, Impact, Learning, and Evaluation (SMILE) community of practice. Climate SMILE brings together impact and learning professionals from nearly 50 major funders worldwide to provide infrastructure for collaboration and learning exchange, support member capacity, and push the frontiers of current thinking and practice. Direct your inquiries to Olivia Deich, Director of Impact & Learning, at olivia@climatebreakthrough.org