There is no single path to achieving breakthroughs. Sometimes they stem from cutting-edge scientific research that spawns game-changing technologies. A breakthrough can emerge from an innovative business model, policy framework, or grassroots movement that reshapes incentives and mindsets. They take years to happen and can be full of stops and starts—many of which may look like nothing more than failures. But ultimately and importantly, they can change the world.
In the climate space, take the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, or the documentary An Inconvenient Truth in 2006. Consider the Beyond Coal Campaign, the Paris and Kigali agreements, or Urgenda Foundation v. The State of the Netherlands. These are the kinds of efforts our awardees are building: breakthrough-oriented work in policy, economic, and social transformation rather than incremental work centered on near-term success. These are initiatives that, if wildly successful, could significantly reduce global annual greenhouse gas emissions, affect entire industries or regions of the world, and materially change the lives of tens of millions of people within ten years of launch.
ERIEL TCHEKWIE DERANGER Advance climate solutions driven by Indigenous knowledge and leadership at the global stage
ALEX DOUKAS Hold fossil fuel companies accountable for cleanup costs to protect public health
KIMIKO HIRATA Transform the energy narrative and mainstream decarbonization in Japan, a major emitter
TERO MUSTONEN Establish new restoration hubs across the Arctic and boreal regions to mitigate climate change and rejuvenate biodiversity
JANE FLEMING KLEEB Forge inclusive alliances among rural Americans to position clean energy as a catalyst for economic growth
GITA SYAHRANI Integrate bioeconomy in Indonesia, a major emitter, to transition toward low-carbon solutions
ISABEL CAVELIER ADARVE Inspire a global culture of environmental stewardship through immersive experiences and narratives
JAMES IRUNGU MWANGI Spur the conditions for low-emission business ventures in Africa that leverage the continent’s renewable potential
SANJIV GOPAL, BRIKESH SINGH, VINUTA GOPAL Activate collaborative climate initiatives across critical states in India to boost national targets
KATHRIN GUTMANN Build movements to ensure Europe transitions fully to renewable power by 2035 and set a global standard
SARA JANE AHMED Support climate vulnerable nations to access green investments by creating tailored economic strategies
DENISE FAIRCHILD Drive changes in consumption patterns to mitigate Scope 3 emissions in the US
NICOLE RYCROFT Boost the commercial production of sustainable alternatives to wood-based products to keep forests standing
MOHAMED ADOW Accelerate the groundwork for energy sustainability and independence across Africa
TZEPORAH BERMAN Pioneer a groundbreaking global treaty for nations to end the proliferation of fossil fuels
SEBASTIÁN KIND Help developing nations mobilize clean energy investment with innovative financing approaches
NGUY THI KHANH Support strategies for public and private sectors to meet Vietnam’s net zero goals
ARIEF RABIK Expand bamboo agroforestry to revitalize degraded land and uplift communities with sustainable livelihoods
TESSA KHAN Catalyze the environment for the UK to be the world’s first major nation to phase out fossil fuels
BRUCE NILLES Bolster the processes for phasing out gas and the electrification of new buildings across the US
YANG FUQIANG Spur the conditions for China to cap its oil consumption and achieve peak emissions
MAY MEI Revolutionize China’s food system by integrating sustainable food choices and minimizing waste at scale
JOHN HEPBURN Spearhead a global shift in the insurance industry to stop underwriting fossil fuel projects